BB’s Frenchies

BB’s Frenchies


Food and care for your Frenchie.

Food, care and safety recommendations.

Food and  proper care is what we here at BB’s Frenchies recommend. These are products that we use on a daily basis. (Please check out the gallery below with what we use and recommend for daily items.)

SAFTEY & TOXINS: Please be aware that dogs, of all ages are like babies. They don’t know any better. They don’t know that chewing on any electrical cords can be dangerous, just like they don’t know what they eat can be dangerous. Keep an eye out for those charges laying next to your bed, the soaps or cleaners you have in the laundry room on the floor and essential oils, yes, even essential oils can be dangerous to your fur baby.

We all love a good smell in the house don’t we. But, have you ever thought what it can do to your pup? Well, some essential oils can be toxic to your fur babies just by smelling them. Many essential oils such as eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, cinnamon, citrus, peppermint, pennyroyal, sweet birch, pine, wintergreen, and ylang ylang are very toxic to your fur baby. Whether they are applied to the skin, used in a diffuser or licked up in the case of a spill can cause harm or death to your fur baby.

Please note that your pup are much more sensitive to scents than you. What you may think to be an insignificant, fragrant scents may be overwhelming and harmful to any animal.

However, if you do use a diffuser watch what you put into them and of course how much. Depending on the water amount please use what is a recommended dose in the size of your diffuser. Also, keep in mind on where in the home you use it and how small or large the room is. Don’t place it in the same room as where fur baby sleeps, unless the room is large enough and it’s on the opposite side of the room. 

TOXIC FOOD: Here is a list of what is toxic to your pup if they ingest it. Grapes, raisins, sultanas, salt, chocolate, xylitol (artificial sweetener), alcohol, antifreeze, bread dough, macadamia nuts, garlic, onions, snails, rodenticides, insecticides, coffee, medication, (unless prescribed by your vet for that particular pup), some plants, avocados, chives, batteries, fertilizer, all cleaning products, all soaps, paint, and glue. 

FOOD: A good food is all in the ingredients. Make sure that the ingredients are a good fit for your fur baby. These frenchies have a very sensitive stomach and also sensitive skin. So a great food will help with any issues. We here at BB’s Frenchies use Puritan Pro Plan with Lamb and oatmeal or Lamb and rice. We do NOT recommend the chicken as this can upset your frenchies stomach. Lamb or Salmon is good for a sensitive stomach. Salmon is more for a slim weight. 

Also, we recommend feeding puppies 3 times a day until three months old, then 2 times a day from there on out. The same time each morning and evening is the best to keep them on a schedule. Of course if this is not possible 2 times a day will be okay.

TREATS: With the frenchies having a very sensitive stomach we don’t give a lot of treats, but when we do we make sure they are all natural ingredients so that it doesn’t upset there very sensitive stomach. When giving treats, please don’t be generous. One treat a day is really all they need. This is to also ensure they eat there breakfast and dinner.

Here are a few reciepts that my dogs love and are all natural.

Recipe 1:      1 banana smashed,  1/2 cup peanut butter and 1 cup flour.

Mix the banana and peanut butter first, then add the flour. Roll out and cut into any bite size shape. Bake @350 for 20 minutes. Cool and serve.

Recipe 2:       1 container of plain unsweetened yougurt, 1 16oz can of 100%

pumpkin,  2 tablesppons of all natural local honey, bone meal (optionsal) and a silicone ice tray. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Then add to bakers bag and fill the silicone trays. Freeze for 6 hours and then place in container or freezer bag. Service cold as treat or on top of their meals.


PROBIOTICS: We recommend that with there sensitive stomach, to give them a probiotic everyday. This helps there sensitive stomach to properly digest food and keep there stool firm. A stool that is to runny is a sign of an upset stomach. 

SHAMPOO: We recommend bathing about every 2-3 months. If they’re really need one in between that is definitely okay. Just make sure you are using a good shampoo and a conditioning supplement after each bath. This will help with any dry and itchy skin, dry spots or any other skin issues.

NAIL CLIPPING: We recommend that their nails be cut or trimmed with the proper nail clippers. Make sure they are made for small dogs and also have a guard on then so you don’t cut them at the quick. If you are not sure how to do this, please take them to the vet and have them cut or any local pep store does this as well. 

TOYS: We recommend a good durable dental toy or ball for them to teethe and chew on. A flavored Nylabone is also good as it will keep them going back to it with its natural flavors. We don’t recommend a stuffed animal as they have powerful jaws and teeth that can shred them around. No ropes either cause they can shread them and choke on them. 

WIPES: We recommend to use a sensitive baby wipe for all small wipe downs. Whether you need to wipe their face, wrinkles, noses, or their backside, it doesn’t have to be an expensive wipe, a sensitive baby wipe will work just fine.

We have posted a few pictures in the gallery below with items we use. If you choose to pick another product, please make sure you do your research on each item.